Tuesday, 26 July 2016

30 Before 30: The List

I remember being a Bridesmaid for the first time when I was about 7 years old. The bride, a family member was in her mid 20s at the time and I remember looking up at her in complete awe. What an exciting time it must be at 25 and imagine 30 - WOAH. 30 is all about being married, having a house, probably a few children and totally understanding what life is, what it all means and why we're doing what we're doing...right?

No. Nope. Nada. It never turned out quite like that!

Mabey it's just me but being 30 in the 90s isn't quite what it means to be 30 now is it?

I'm turning 28 this October which means the year after next (THE YEAR AFTER NEXT!!!) I will turn 30. Madness. 3 whole decades.

It's so easy to think 'what have I done in the last 30 years' and I'm one of those that always whines to my friends 'I need to get my life sorted' but actually in reflection there isn't anything wrong with my life.

I just need to realise that the life I thought I'd have now...when I was 6...is just not the pathway I was meant to have and that's okay.

In light of turning 30, I - like many others have decided to pull together a list of 30 things I want to do or achieve before the stroke of midnight on the 5th October 2018.

1. Have Afternoon Tea at The Ritz
2. Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride
3. Visit Scotland  - 2nd June 2017
4. Move Out - 24th November 2016
5. Go Fishing  - 12th June 2017
6. Sew something I can actually wear - from scratch!
7. Build up my freelance into a Boutique Agency - 25th March 2017
8. Travel to New York
9. Climb and Camp on a Mountain
10. Learn how to Paddleboard
11. Start a New Business  - 7th November 2016
12. Go to Art Classes
13. Travel to Bali - 21st January 2018
14. Grow my Nails - once and for all!  - 25th October 2017
15. Get a Second Tattoo  - 28th January 2018
16. Go to a Bottomless Brunch - 21st August 2016
17. Visit Iceland
18. Go a month without using heat on my hair - January 2018
19. Take up Yoga/Pilates - January 2018
20. Do a floristry course
21. Get a new piercing  - 26th August 2016
22. Learn a language - Spanish or Italian
23. Publish an Article
24. Sleep in a Treehouse or Under the Stars
25. Go to Thailand  - 1st February 2018
26. Visit Ireland
27. Carve a pumpkin - 26th October 2016
28. Do a sports event for Charity
29. Go to the Ballet at Christmas
30. Grow my hair - long!

And above all else - feel totally content with who I am and my journey, the choices I have made and the place my life is in.

Bring it on 2018!


  1. Fab list, you should do a blog post for each one every time you strike one from your list!
    I wish I'd done one of these, I guess I'll have to start working on a 40 before 40 list....... 9 years to go, ha!

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches Travel & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Ah thanks Lyndsay! That's a great idea! I think I might just do that! I've already knocked one thing off my list :) What about a 35 before 35!? xx


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