Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Dream it. Do It.

This year I made a huge gamble and decided to jump the ship of full-time employment and join a whole new world, the freelance world. Over the last 10 months I have left behind a digital agency role, worked part time and now steadied myself into full-time freelance life with a 2016 planned that is full of new projects and opportunities and exciting growth plans. My dream of being my own boss is very much a reality and next year looks to take this to the next level.

I decided that I'd write this post to encourage anyone who is considering leaving full-time employment, to make their dreams a reality to go for it. It's been the best decision I have made and since I became in control of my own destiny I haven't looked back. Some may look from the outside in and say 'she got lucky' but let me tell you, that luck has not come out of nowhere. It's come from a lot of difficult firefighting with my social life, relationships, finances, health and mentality. But so far, it has been worth it.

I needed to learn to love my job. From the minute I left university and reality hit me between the eyeballs I knew that to get anything in this life, you, as an individual have to grab life at the goolies, create a plan, invest some time and some tears and MAKE IT HAPPEN. Let's be honest, playing the lottery every Saturday in the hope of winning the jackpot, ain't a plan. And it definitely isn't reality. Sure, if it happens then that's a bonus but your future and your destiny is not in the hands of the lotto. 

You learn to read and write at school, you learn about life at university and then bam. You're education stops but you continue learning skills in the workplace. Sometimes you feel good at something but what about knowing your good at something? Take a leap of faith, be confident in what you can achieve and if it helps - write it all down. Take a step back and realise what is is that gets you out of bed in the morning and what areas you excel in. Whether it's makeup and hair, project management, writing, coding or medicine. If you love it and you find yourself dropping it into conversation then there is little doubt you'll love working in it. 

Don't be fooled by feeling like you HAVE to follow a certain pathway. You never have to do that. You can change your career at 20, at 30 or even at 50. It doesn't matter. What matters is finding something you love that defies all else. If you work hard at it you'll make it happen. No dream or ambition is unrealistic. Just make sure you take baby steps, plan, create a support network and be sensible. Don't burn the candle at both ends and don't lose sight of the end goal. Where there's a will, there's a way. Cliche but bloomin' true hey? 

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